
Webwatcher Review

Monitoring the activity of your child’s smartphone does not always mean that you think that they are up to something bad or that you don’t trust them and want to put a strict vigilant approach in place. In some cases, your child could be dealing with bullying in school and may feel embarrassed to talk about it, even worse, they may feel afraid to tell you anything because they have received threats. As much as parents want to protect their children, it is not possible to follow them everywhere and as they grow older it becomes even harder to get access to every aspect of their lives. This is when a mobile parental control software such as WebWatcher becomes incredibly helpful. WebWatcher will be like your eyes and ears when you want to make sure that your child is not struggling with bullying or that is being contacted from strangers with sinister intentions. WebWatcher is not only a great tool for parents that are concerned about their children’s safety. It is also useful for employers that need to ensure that their staff is adhering to the rules for company’s mobile phone usage. Let’s find out how can WebWatcher help you in these two cases.

Monitored Activity
After purchasing Webwatcher Mobile software, you will have the option to download it from your online account and install in the device that you want to monitor. Once WebWtacher is installed on the mobile, it will start keeping track of all the activity and will transfer it to your account. There you will get access to all the information recorded. WebWatcher offers the essential logging options that will allow you to get an idea of how safe is your child while they use their smartphone. You will be able to see who is calling or texting your child and will get access to the content of the text messages, whether they have been deleted from the phone or not. Unfortunately, WebWatcher does not offer voice recording, o you won’t be able to listen to the conversations, although you will see information such as the time and duration of the call.

Since smartphones allow children to visit websites and use online apps, it is important that you get to see what they search for on internet or what sites they visit. With WebWatcher, you will get a detailed overview of your child’s web browsing and will be able to see what is posted on their social networking profiles. You can also see what photos are being taken using the smartphone’s camera and the ones that are stored in the device or shared online. It is also possible to see what media files have been received (including videos or photos) so you will know if someone is sending inappropriate material to your kid.

The logging options are fairly basic when compared to other mobile monitoring solutions. For instance, they do not include monitoring of instant messaging applications, which is a downside considering that these apps are very popular so chances are that your children are using them and you may miss something if you are not able to monitor these. However, using WebWatcher is easy and may help you to identify if there is some reason of concern regarding your children or your company.

Apart from getting information about who your child is talking to, you can also monitor the location of their phone to see where they are. The GPS tracking features will allow you to check the travel path history to see if they are taking a detour on their way to school or if they are not in school or at home when they are supposed to. You can track all the locations visited in real-time and will be able to pinpoint the location on the map, thanks to an easy to use mapping interface.

WebWatcher does not offer advanced features or as many options to control the smartphone’s usage. For example, it is not possible to block phone numbers or lock the phone for a set amount of time to limit its usage and ensure that nobody can contact your child after certain hours. There is also a lack in security features as it is not possible to wipe data or lock the phone remotely in case it is stolen or lost.

The information on the website and their FAQ are also very basic but the support team can be contacted via live chat, email and phone every day of the week at any time.


You can use WebWtacher Mobile with Android (2.1 and over), Blackberry (5.0 and up) and iPhone or iPad with iOS 6 or over. Jailbreak would be required for iPhone and given the limited features the software offers it offers, it would not be recommendable.

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