Introduction to Jailbreaking

Before you can install mobile monitoring software in your iPhone, you would need to jailbreak it but first it is important that you understand what this means. The term may be familiar but for many people it is still not clear what Jailbreaking is and what are its benefits. We will explain Jailbreaking in a simple way and once you have a better idea of what it does, you can follow our Simplified guide (Link) to jailbreak your iPhone.

What is Jailbreaking
Apple devices are designed to use only apps or software that you acquire from Apple’s App Store. Their operating systems would not allow the installation or use of any third part software. While there are over one million apps available in the App Store, there are many other software options that you may want to get for your iOS device. New third party apps are constantly being developed and they are appealing thanks to the customization and additional features that they can offer. Jailbreaking is free and it gives you more flexibility as it extends the options of what you can do with your iDevice, allowing you to download software outside of the App Store.

How Does it Work
When you jailbreak your Apple device, you are basically changing its operating system in order to allow the use of third party apps and software. First you would need to download a Jailbreaking software and once you run it, it will install an app called Cydia, which works as an alternative to the App Store. In Cydia, you will be able to find third party software packages and install them on your device. The apps for jaibroken devices are created to be compatible with the available iPhone models and the operating systems they run. These are constantly updated to match Apple’s new iOS releases.

Keep in mind that jailbreaking is not the same as unlocking an iPhone. Unlocking would only allow you to use the phone with different mobile service providers. When you buy a mobile phone contract with a company, the device may be locked in to that carrier so you would not be able to change to another one. Unlocking gives you freedom to change the mobile provider you use with your phone but you don’t need to jailbreak the device for this purpose.

Identifying A Jailbroken Phone

The easiest way to tell if an iPhone has been jailbroken is to check if the Cydia App is installed on it. However, Cydia can be hidden, meaning that this is not always a reliable way to find out an iPhone has been jailbroken. The alternative is to try to jailbreak the iPhone and when you try to run the software, you will see a message letting you know that the device is already jailbroken.

Additonal Information

There are aspects of jailbreaking that are commonly discussed and that many users wonder about. Below is a list of the main things you need to know when it comes to jailbreaking.

Contrary to what many believe, Jailbreaking is legal and it will not automatically void your warranty. Jailbreaking is a process that can be reversed so make sure that you restore your iPhone to its default settings before you bring it for repair to an official store.

Even though there are some paid Jailbreaking services, you can get free software. It is possible to find Jailbreaking software for any iOS without any cost. Jailbreaking is not as complicated as many users think. It usually takes only a few minutes and you do not need strong technical skills to do it.

Many people are concerned about the safety of Jailbreaking but as long as you do a full backup of your iPhone and store the data on your PC, there is nothing to fear. In case you have any issues, you can always restore the data and your phone to its default settings.

When you upgrade to the latest iOS version, the jailbreak will be removed. However, jailbreak developers are constantly working to keep up to date with Apple’s releases. Once a jailbreak is available for the last iOS update, you can jailbreak the device again.

Is It Worth Trying

Jailbreaking is not necessary in every case and many users would not even consider the possibility since they count with a large selection of apps in the official store. Others may need more than what Apple has to offer and will recur to Jailbreaking in order to get a wider choice of apps and software. In the end, it depends on the way you want to use your iPhone. If you need mobile monitoring software, Jailbreaking will be required in almost every case. The only solution that does not require Jailbreaking at the moment is PhoneSheriff but you may require features that are not available with this service. If you want to customize your iPhone experience and enjoy additional options that are restricted with a standard device, Jailbreaking may be the way to go.

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